1 Objective
In this individual project, you will design, apply and evaluate a techno-economic solution for
increasing the renewable penetration level in a remote town in Western Australia. Learning
outcomes (1)-(6) will be assessed in this project.
2 Background
Due to large transmission distances and relatively small numbers of people living in remote
locations, it is often not economical to maintain transmission lines connecting edge-of-grid
areas to the largest Western Australian power grid (the South West Interconnected System
or SWIS). An alternative is to generate locally to power homes and businesses. Traditionally,
diesel generators have been the dominant source of energy to fulfill this task. However, with
the falling cost of renewable energy, and an increased environmental awareness, many remote
communities are reducing their reliance on fossil fuel based generation.
This transition can have significant nancial, social, environmental and technical impacts.
Western Power, the responsible utility for providing electricity within the SWIS, has engaged
the consultancy engineering company you are employed at (UWA Engineering) to design
a techno-economic solution for establishment of a renewable energy power grid located at
Pingelly, WA (population 1,145).
Western Power have offered significant performance bonuses for maximising the penetra-
tion level of renewables within the grid in a sustainable, cost-effective and reliable manner.
3 Specification
Part 1
You have been asked to investigate the feasibility of a renewable generation based solution to
mitigate some of the adverse environmental effects of diesel generation (this does not mean
you have to eliminate use of all diesel generation). You are required to write a technical
report that addresses three main points:
a) Identify energy sources in the region that can be exploited to meet the energy require-
ments of consumer loads;
b) Select the energy sources, and energy storage technologies, which optimise the system;
c) In determining the optimality of your solution, consider and quantify (to the best extent
possible) system performance in terms of:
(a) renewable penetration level (measured as the ratio between annual energy pro-
duced by renewables and energy consumed in loads);(b) financial cost (if you choose to use the HOMER Pro software package (or other
packages) you should first cost the design yourself based on theory discussed in
the lecture material, and use HOMER Pro as confirmation and/or a means to
complement your design);(c) environmental/social impact (one way to consider environmental impact for in-
stance is to apply a cost penalty per tonne of carbon dioxide produced).