Your submission
1. Please upload a copy of your R Shiny app.R file (or some other name, but it should be a .R and it should contain the
line library(shiny) at or near the beginning of the file). The submitted file should contain the following:
• a working ui <- fluidpage( ) portion or comparable that has a working user input (e.g., a slider or an input box or
buttons etc.)
• the ui should also have working output for example, a plot generated by the server portion in response to user
input from fluidpage()
• a working server function, in other words, this portion of the app – server <- function(input, output) filled in
which will produce something (could be a plot) that is displayed in the output portion of the ui.
• this should be the last line of your .R file – shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server) – so the app will run correctly when
I test it.
2. The fourth lab will just be a “cleaned up” or “modified” version of this lab 3 with changes documented (a new lab upload link will be made available after lab 3’s due date). Yes, you can still change your mind about your fourth lab but it means more work for you at the very last minute. It is better for you you have a working lab 3 that only needs to be made more attractive for lab 4.