Directions: This first assignment is meant to be a brief introduction to working with R in RStudio. You may (and should) collaborate with other students. If you do so, you must identify them on the work that you turn in. You should complete the assignment in an R Notebook, including all calculations, plots, and explanations.
Make use of the white space outside of the R chunks for your explanations. For your submission, you should knit the notebook to pdf and submit the file to Gradescope.
Eastern Box Turtles: The Box Turtle Connection is a long-term study anticipating at least 100 years of data collection on box turtles. Their purpose is to learn more about the status and trends in box turtle populations, identify threats, and develop strategies for long-term conservation of the species. Eastern Box Turtle populations are in decline in North Carolina and while they are recognized as a threatened species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the turtles have no protection in North Carolina.
There are currently more than 30 active research study sites across the state of North Carolina. Turtles are weighed, measured, photographed, and permanently marked. These data, along with voucher photos (photos that document sightings), are then entered into centralized database managed by the NC Wildlife Resources Commission. The Turtles dataset (found at the link below) contains data collected at The Piedmont Wildlife Center in Durham.
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JA-McLean/STOR455/master/data/Turtles.csv library(readr)
Turtles<- read_csv(“Turtles.csv”)
## — Column specification ——————————————————–
## cols(
## LifeStage = col_character(),
## Sex = col_character(),
## Annuli = col_double(),
## Mass = col_double(),
## StraightlineCL = col_double(),
## MaxCW = col_double(),
## PL_AnteriortoHinge = col_double(),
## PL_HingetoPosterior = col_double(),
## ShellHeightatHinge = col_double()
## )
1) The Annuli rings on a turtle represent growth on the scutes of the carapace and plastron. In the past, it was thought that annuli corresponded to age, but recent findings suggest that this is not the case.
However, the annuli are still counted since it may yield important life history information. Construct a least squares regression line that predicts turtles’ Annuli by their Mass.
mod1=lm(Annuli~Mass, data=Turtles)
## Call:
## lm(formula = Annuli ~ Mass, data = Turtles)