Overview and Rationale
Data mining is used to reveal hard to see and hidden patterns and relationships in Big
Data datasets. Data mining helps to classify data for further examination or create
models to predict outcomes for a different set of data. As data miners, you should be
able to explain how the code used to mine the data is functioning and be able to
analyze and interpret the results of the mining. This allows you to summarize and
clarify the results for stakeholders.
Assignment Description
In this assignment, you will use the code and data set provided to mine the data using
the methods presented in this module. This dataset is the infamous, “I Have A Dream
Speech” by Martin Luther King. Using data mining techniques, we want to see if our
techniques actually match what Dr.King was trying to convey in this speech.
The code is below: (This week it is in R but if you want to try, you can also do this in
Your report should include the following:
• Behind The Scense Background of each of the key analysis steps from the
code. Explain the context and meaning behind using different visuals to
try to understand our results. Do not just write word for word what your
code it.
• Analysis: Based on the output, analyze the data and the relationships
revealed about the variables of interest. You should be testing to see if the
analysis that is provided in each visual match the message and context of
Dr.King. This creates a great conversation about whether or not text
mining is trustworthy or not.
• Interpretation and Recommendations: Provide recommendations for
actions to be taken based on your interpretation (such as can we take any
text and expect text mining to correctly depict the message). Support those
facts with the data and ultimately make a recommendation