Business Scenario
BizCon, is a consulting company that offers ERP consulting and system integration services and
also specializes in implementing the ERP application, SBP. They serve clients in a wide variety of
industries from financial institutions, education and marketing to manufacturing, distribution
and retail. Since July 2021, Bizcon has been engaged in meetings with TradePen, a potential client,
discussing the implementation and integration of SBP. In their proposal, Bizcon presented the
analysis of their business needs, hardware/software requirements and business process
reengineering. After a few rounds of price negotiation, TradePen awarded the project to Bizcon
and the contract was successfully signed in October, 2021.
In the contract, it was stated that BizCon will:
a) Procure 50 SBP licenses for TradePen
b) Procure 50 laptops for their users
c) Obtain 3 quotations from 3 different vendors for the laptops as there are many different
brands of laptops in the market
d) Select the lowest price vendor from (c)
e) Install SBP in the servers provided by TradePen
f) Implement SBP for TradePen
g) Support TradePen for 3 months after the completion of implementation
The quotation that BizCon sent to TradePen includes a marked up of 10% for (a) and (b) for
administrative and handling charges. Each license from SBP costs US$1,000. The laptop prices
ranged from US$1,200 to US$3,000, depending on the brand and specifications. BizCon
estimated that task (e) requires 5 mandays, task (f) requires 120 mandays and task (g) needs 90
days to complete. Their daily charge rate is US$800.
Contract items (a), (b) and (e) have already been completed and are valid for goods issues, if
applicable, and invoices. Since the project is ongoing until next year, and to date, 30 mandays
have been spent on item (f) and therefore Bizcon can issue an invoice to the TradePen. Item (g)
has not been started.
The Assignment
Use SAP to:
A. Create Master Data such as:
• Create material master data for “SBP licenses###”, “laptops###”, “service###” 1
• Create a customer master for TradePen###
• Create vendors for SBP### and 3 laptop vendors, each ending with ###
where ### is the last 3 digit of your learn-id
1 Note that the Unit of Measurement of (UoM) for “service###” is “Day”. When creating this
material, you can copy from material “service1001” which has been created for this project. You
can create 3 different service materials for installation, implementation and support if you want
B. Create Transaction Data that includes, but not limited to:
• RFQ for the 3 different laptop vendors
• A sales quotation to record the total project fee
• Purchase orders to the vendors
• Goods receipt from vendors
• Invoice to vendors
• Actual payment to vendors
• Sales order to customer2
• Goods delivery to customer
• Invoice to customer3
• Actual payment received from customer