

• (3 points) Develop the SAS syntax for each question below and save all syntax in
ONE SAS file called “YourLastName_HW1”

• Submit that file under Assignments as your answer to HW1

• (5 points) Start your SAS file with this header by using SAS comments syntax:
o Course Name – Semester Year
o Your name
o HW1 – date and time you complete the assignment

• (5 points) Start your answer to each question below with the Question # by using
SAS comments syntax

• (3 points) Keep your syntax in a clear format


1. (20 points) (1) Use LIBNAME Statement to create a library named
“yourlastname” (e.g. zheng) in one of your folders. (2) Cancel this library

2. (22 points) Use the INPUT and DATALINES statements to manually enter the data
below into a SAS data set called “info” in the WORK library.

3. (20 points) Use point-and-click OR Proc Import and Proc Contents statements to
import “hw1.csv” file into a SAS data set named “hw1” in a new library called
“your first name” (e.g. janet)”. The syntax should display the descriptor portion
and data portion of the data set.

4. (22 points) Use the INFILE statement in the DATA step to import “hw1.csv” file
into a SAS data set named “hw1” in the library you created in question 3.