
5 论文格式
论文应为 12pt 字体,单行距(或一个半行距)。通常,论文应该是长度在 40 到 60 页之间。
5 学生必须使用适当的数学方法排版他们的论文排版软件,一般是LaTex。所使用的软件应经讨论并与项目开始时的主管。学生应留出时间熟悉排版软件。
封面,显示 (1) UNSW 队徽; (2) 项目全称; (3) 名称学生; (四)监事姓名; (5) 《悉尼新南威尔士大学数学与统计学院》;
(6) 提交的月份和年份; (7) \提交部分满足要求度的“度”;
抄袭形式,学生声称论文是他们自己的作品(见第 7 节);
已经创建了以下框架 LaTex 文件来帮助学生入门:
此 LaTex 模板与以下 UNSW crest 文件和 UNSW 论文样式文件配合使用

(这些文件需要保存在与 unsw-sms-masters-thesis-template.tex 相同的文件夹中才能正确
o ce 在设定的最后期限之前。他们还应通过电子邮件将电子版(pdf 格式)发送给邮政署署长在同一截止日期前完成研究生学习(课程作业)。论文的复印和装订是学生的责任。学生有责任在提交截止日期之前留出足够的时间第 10 周进行复制和装订,并保留副本以防意外丢失。绑定副本转交给审稿人进行评估。

5 Thesis format
The thesis should be in 12pt font, singly-spaced (or one-and-a-half spaced). Typically, a thesis should be between 40 and 60 pages in length.
5 Students must typeset their thesis using appropriate mathematical typesetting software, normally LaTex. The software to be used should be discussed and agreed with the supervisor at the commencement of the project. Students should allow for time to become conversant with the typesetting software.
The thesis should be organised as follows:
 A cover page, showing (1) the UNSW crest; (2) the full title of the project; (3) the name of the
student; (4) the name of the supervisor; (5) \School of Mathematics and Statistics, UNSW Sydney”;
(6) the month and the year of submission; (7) \Submitted in partial ful lment of the requirements
of the degree of” the degree;
 The plagiarism form, where the student declares that the thesis is their own work (see Section 7);
 (optional) A statement acknowledging the extent and nature of any assistance received in the pursuit of the project;
 An abstract, concisely describing the content, scope and results of the project;
 A table of contents;
 The thesis body, organised in several chapters (including an introduction and a conclusion);
 A reference list, including all the references cited in the thesis and arranged alphabetically by author.
The following skeleton LaTex le has been created to help students get started:
This LaTex template works in conjunction with the following UNSW crest les and UNSW thesis style le (adapted for the School):

(these les need to be saved in the same folder as unsw-sms-masters-thesis-template.tex for correct compilation.)
Students are required to submit two copies of their thesis, in a protective binder or cover, to the School oce by the set deadline. They should also email a soft copy (in pdf format) to the Director of Post-graduate Studies (Coursework) by the same deadline. Copying and binding of the thesis are the student’s responsibility. It is the student’s responsibility to allow sucient time before the submission deadline of Week 10 for copying and binding to occur and to keep a copy in case of accidental loss. The bound copies are forwarded to reviewers for assessment.