

Building SQL Insert Scripts and Database Proposal

In this assignment you will get some practice writing simple SQL insert scripts with original data and write a proposal for the database project you want to build this term.

You are asked to contribute to a collective database using an SQL script. For this assignment you will need to download and install SQLite on your computer. Installation and basic tutorial instructions are posted on the course website and some are provided below also. You should browse the SQLite documentation at sqlite.org web site to see how it works. Become familiar with their SQL documentation section. Demos will also be done in class and some of the installation and use instructions are repeated below.

Problem 1: Build an insert script for us to collectively build a small database about songs that appear on CD’s. We want to be able to run all your scripts on the same database to build a large database for future assignments.

Problem 2: Build an insert script for the data that the recommend text, and my powerpoints, uses to illustrate SQL operations. This dataset will be used in our powerpoint slides that explain SQL operations. It will be useful for you to have a live table version of that data to play with.

Problem 3:  In future assignments you will be modeling and implementing a database of your own choice using data that you are, hopefully, interested in. In this assignment you need to propose what your database will be about and provide us with the backstory of your proposed project. We have provided a sample document for the proposed fakebook indexing database project here to serve as an example. You are required to provide an adequate description and some sample documents that would explain to us what your database is going to be about, as we have done here for a proposed fakebook project.

Installing SQLite

SQLite is a very popular free serverless relational database available from the following site:  https://www.sqlite.org/index.html

The download is found here:  https://www.sqlite.org/download.html. Basic install instructions are also posted with our course notes.

You should download and install sqlite and try some basic examples from the sqlite documentation page: https://www.sqlite.org/cli.html .

The sqlite3.exe application provides a command line shell from which you can create sql databases and run queries. You can also read sql commands from a file using the .read command (see the documentation) and we will use this to create an initial database for part I of the assignment. You will be providing a analogous script file for your project database.

Here is a simple session example from the documentation page

$ sqlite3 ex1
SQLite version 3.6.11
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> create table tbl1(one varchar(10), two smallint);
sqlite> insert into tbl1 values('hello!',10);
sqlite> insert into tbl1 values('goodbye', 20);
sqlite> select * from tbl1;
sqlite> .exit

In the above example a database called ex1 will either be opened, or created if it does not already exist.