

  • Install the latest version of Unity (http://unity3d.com(Links to an external site.)) on your laptop
  • Read and make sure you understand the material in Chapters 1, 2, and 3 of the course text: Unity in Action.
  • Using the final “game” project from Chapter 3, make the following changes:
  1. Increase the size of the building to twice what it is currently. By this we mean the main floor should be twice the size along the X axis and the Z axis (keeping the depth of the floor unchanged. Add several interior walls and increase the size of the sidewalls also by a factor of two as well (but not in depth) so that the sidewalls encompass the entire playing arena.
  2. After an enemy is hit, create an alternate rotation animation (to the current instantaneous 45 degree rotation) by having a 90 degree rotation take place over 1 second of time. Do not try to use the “animation” capability of Unity (we’ll look into this later) but rather use the Update() method to change the amount of rotation until the desired value is reached (and then stop the rotation).
  3. After an enemy is eliminated, increase the number of enemies in the game arena by one, i.e. after the first enemy is eliminated, there should be two enemies, after the second enemy is eliminated, there should be 3 enemies, etc. Essentially, make two enemies appear every time one enemy disappears.
  4. In the location that an enemy is hit, you should instantiate a slowly rotating tombstone that never stops rotating. Use a prefab to do this and incorporate a suitable simple material on the prefab. Be creative in creating the tombstone!
  5. Create a text health indicator in the upper right hand corner of the screen that counts down the amount of health that the player has, i.e. a display of “2: * * ” indicates a health of 2.
  6. After the player takes on 2 units of damage starting from an initial health value of 2, then the game is over. This should be shown by a floating text label of “Game Over!” that moves around the screen at a given horizontal and vertical speed and bounces off of the sides of the screen by negating the appropriate speed component. To make in-person grading faster, please make player health start with a value of 2.
分类: 代写案例