Course Objectives:
Upon successful completion of this module students will have:
- Recognize the social significance of play through constructivist approach.
- Understand Freud and Erikson’s emotional significance of play.
- Understand Piaget’s cognitive theory of intellectual development.
- Identify and understand Parten’s Stages of Play and how it relates to Child Growth and Development.
- Identify the values of play and list the conditions that support play.
- Understand and respect the notion that Play is an essential Right for Children.
- Use verbal, non-verbal, written, and alternative communication methods appropriately and effectively.
- List materials necessary for a variety of activities which reflect and honour children’s diversity.
- Develop an understand ways to observe and document children’s play.
- Understand the importance of attending, engaging, and listening actively while children engage in play.
- Understand the importance of arranging environments to incorporate; movement, self-help skills, sensorimotor, and exploration.
- Acquire skills to balance active/passive paced activities both indoors and outdoors.
- Plan for a wide range of stimulating and challenging play-based activities that foster the development of the whole child by ensuring that materials and equipment are developmentally appropriate.
- Ensure that play-based programs and services reflect and respect diversity.
- Provide the supports that are required for the successful inclusion of each child.
- Develop an understanding of how to establish an emotionally safe and nurturing climate.
- Establish genuine and trusting relationships with others.
- Gain an understanding of how to enable children to develop self-esteem.
- Promote family involvement in policy and programming decisions by creating value of play posters
Attendance Expectations For virtual classes, we recommend students attend the live sessions with the instructor. If students cannot attend these live sessions, they should later check the recordings uploaded to their course in MyCampus.
Students are required to log in regularly and complete each week’s course material. There are activities and assignments due each session. Student progress is tracked by the completion of these activities, and failure to complete them will result in a marked absence.
Dress Expectations
Students are expected to dress appropriately for live sessions, in accordance with the dress code policy.
Generic Skills
The college is committed to ensuring that students have the full range of knowledge and skills required for full participation in all aspects of their lives,including skills enabling them to be life-long learners. To ensure graduates have this preparation, such generic skills as literacy and numeric, computer,interpersonal communication, and critical thinking skills will be embedded in all courses.
Course Changes
Information contained in this course outline is correct at the time of publication.
Course content is revised on an ongoing basis to ensure relevance to changing educational employment and marketing needs. Course outlines are subject to change. The program or course timetable may also be revised.
Session 1
The Value of Play
- Analyze the value of play.
- Discuss theoretical perspectives on play.
- Defend a child’s basic right.
- Assess play and brain development.
- Develop a more inclusive definition of play.
Session 2
The Nature of Children’s Play
- Discuss the nature of children’s play.
- Describe the characteristics of play.
- Compare the different types of play that children are involved in.
- Contrast Piaget’s stages of play with Parten’s stages of play.
- Assess the connection between different types of play and activities used in ECE settings.
Session 3
The Child’s Favourite Way of Learning
- Assess how toys can be used as tools for learning.
- Discuss child development and play materials.
- Observe children’s play from different perspectives.
- Analyze the role of ECE professionals in supporting children’s play.
- Contrast developmentally appropriate and inappropriate practices.
Session 4
Barriers, Roles, and Advocacy for Play
- Hypothesize why some children have difficulty learning play skills.
- Discuss barriers to children’s play.
- Discuss the role of the child in play.
- Outline the role of the educator in play.
- Describe how parents can help children play.
- Advocate for play.
Session 5
Final Exam & Assignment Submission
- Complete and submit Assignment: Value of Play Posters / Infographics (50%)
- Complete the Final Exam (40%)