
ECON7300: Statistical Project Assignment

n – z的范围。
Excel / PHStat。如果不合适,解释原因。

Part B: Note: for questions in Part B assume that the three assumptions underlying ANOVA
(i.e. randomness and independence, normality and homogeneity of variance) are met. Use
the closest degrees of freedom for the denominator to get critical value from F-table.
1. What is the level of stress (if any) that cows undergo at different pre-slaughter phases?
To answer this question, a biostatistician randomly selected eight cows from Burdekin,
Townsville, and the heart rate of a cow was measured at four different pre-slaughter
phases: 1) first phase of visual contact with pen mates; (2) initial isolation from pen mates
for prepping; (3) restoration of visual contact with pen mates; and (4) first contact with
human prior to slaughter. The data are as follows.
Cow breed type Pre-slaughter phase
(1) (2) (3) (4)
1 124 124 109 107
2 100 98 98 99
3 103 98 100 106
4 94 91 98 95
5 122 109 114 115
6 103 92 100 106
7 98 80 99 103
8 120 84 107 110
Based on the above information, answer the following questions.
a) At the 5% level of significance, was blocking effective? Follow all the necessary steps
and verify your results using Excel/PHStat.
b) Using a 5% level of significance, is there a significance difference in the mean heart
rate of the four pre-slaughter phases? Follow all the necessary steps to perform the
c) If your results in (b) indicates that it is appropriate, use the Tukey procedure to
determine which groups differ in the mean heart rate. Use 5% level of significance.
Follow all the necessary procedure to perform the test.
ECON7300: Statistical Project Assignment, Semester 2, 2020
2. Do employees’ absentee rates differ across the five days of the workweek (Monday
through Friday)? To answer this question, an econometrician randomly selected nine
weeks and the absentee rate (percentage worker absent) was determined for each day
(Monday to Friday). The data are as follows
Week Absentee rate
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
1 5.3 0.6 1.9 1.3 1.6
2 12.9 9.4 2.6 0.4 0.5
3 0.8 0.8 5.7 0.4 1.4
4 2.6 0.0 4.5 10.2 4.5
5 23.5 9.6 11.3 13.6 14.1
6 9.1 4.5 7.5 2.1 9.3
7 11.5 4.2 4.1 4.2 4.1
8 9.5 7.1 4.5 9.1 12.9
9 4.8 5.2 10.0 6.9 9.0
Based on the above information, answer the following questions.
a) At the 5% level of significance, was blocking effective? Follow all the necessary steps
and verify your results using Excel/PHStat.
b) Using a 5% level of significance, is there a significance difference in the mean absentee
rate of the five days of the workweek? Follow all the necessary steps to perform the
c) If your results in (b) indicates that it is appropriate, use the Tukey procedure to
determine which groups differ in the mean absentee rate. Use 5% level of significance.
Follow all the necessary procedure to perform the test.