

Number of words:
1,500 words – This is a strict limit not a guideline


All text should be included by the word count software, and any attempt to ‘hide’ text will be considered a mis-statement of word count.   Any piece submitted with more words than the limit will result in the excess not being marked.


Included in the word count:
Coversheet No
Reference/Bibliography list** No
Appendices* No
List of contents No
Abstract/Executive Summary (if required) Yes
Embedded references/citations Yes
Tables Yes
Figures/Charts Yes
Formulae Yes
Footnotes* Yes
Images (photographs which include words, and images) Yes
Legends for tables, diagrams, charts, figures etc) Yes
Typeface/font size Arial 11pt
Spacing 1.5 lines
Margins 2.54 cm (Normal setting)
*Supplementary text:
Please note that information in appendices and footnotes should be supplementary, but not integral to the submission. Markers may not read supplementary text – especially if it is lengthy – so the main body of work should stand on its own.
**Referencing system:
Please use the Author-Date referencing style https://library.cranfield.ac.uk/ld.php?content_id=32120887

Internet material should be referenced by URL; links to material not included in the text will be ignored.

分类: 英国代写