Plagiarism and Collusion
In submitting the assignment Learner’s must complete a statement of authenticity confirming that the work submitted for all tasks is their own. The statement should also include the word count.
Plagiarism and collusion are treated very seriously. Plagiarism involves presenting work,excerpts, ideas or passages of another author without appropriate referencing and attribution.
Collusion occurs when two or more learners submit work which is so alike in ideas,content, wording and/or structure that the similarity goes beyond what might have been mere coincidence.
A professional approach to work is expected from all learners. Learners must therefore identify and acknowledge ALL sources/methodologies/applications used.
The learner must use an appropriate referencing system to achieve this. Marks are not awarded for the use of English; however, the learner must express ideas clearly and ensure that appropriate terminology is used to convey accuracy in meaning.
Please use Harvard Style of Referencing throughout your work.
You may include appendices to support your work, however appendices must only contain additional supporting information, and must be clearly referenced in your assignment.
You may also include tables, graphs, diagrams, Gantt charts and flowcharts that support the main report should be incorporated into the back of the assignment report that is submitted.
Any published secondary information such as annual reports and company literature,should be referenced in the main text of the assignment, in accordance with Harvard Style Referencing, and referenced at the end of the assignment.
Where a Learner is using organisational information that deals with sensitive material or issues, they must seek the advice and permission from that organisation about its inclusion.
Where confidentiality is an issue, Learners are advised to anonymise their assignment report so that it cannot be attributed to that particular organisation.
Word Count Policy
Learners must comply with the required word count, within a margin of +10%. These rules exclude the index, headings, tables, images, footnotes, appendices and information contained within references and bibliographies.
When an assessment task requires learners to produce presentation slides with supporting notes, the word count applies to the supporting notes only.
Submission of Assignments
-All work to be submitted on the due on the last day of the month.
-All work must be submitted in a single electronic document (.doc/.dox file).
-Add the Student Submission Form at the beginning of the assignment and the Feedback Form at the last page of the assignment document.
Marking and Grades
A standard marking rubric for all assignments, and you can find the details at the end of this document.
Unless stated elsewhere, Learners must answer all questions in this document.
Assignment Question
Learners may use their own employment context, or that of another organisation with which they are very familiar, to base their assignment. However, in the case that they are not able to do so, please use the below scenario:
You are a senior manager, leading the marketing department of an organisation. Your team is responsible for identifying and delivering a marketing plan that supports organisational objectives.
Task 1 – 500 words
1.1: Critically evaluate a range of marketing tools, techniques and principles’ can be deployed to support general organisational strategy, exploration of marketing orientation will be of value here. Summative explores how these techniques impact on marketing planning. Organisations are increasingly deploying marketing concepts in many functional areas, in a seamless fashion, to the benefit of the organisation.
1.2: Determine how key marketing methodologies and approaches contribute towards marketing planning within diverse organisations. This task would blend well with 1.1.
1.3: Detail the component part of the plan, considering your organisational context is complex; ensure that these component parts have sufficiency, to address complexity.
Perform a risk assessment, or other methodology of your choice. Put in place a contingency plan to address identified risk, including within this an action statement. A project approach may be considered as a means of implementation of your identified actions and contingencies.
Assessment Criteria
1.1: Critically evaluate how marketing techniques and tools can support the strategy of an organisation and how this impacts on the marketing plan.
1.2: Determine marketing methodologies and approaches that contribute to a marketing plan within complex organisations.
1.3: Address risk associated with the marketing plan.