1. For the data below, the model Y = β0 + β1X1 + β2X2 + ε is proposed.
Y X1 X2
50.9 0 -2
58.0 7 -3
56.9 -10 9
41.0 -9 -8
26.8 -11 -12
69.8 15 15
50.3 11 -5
52.0 -3 6
X’Y = 617.5
(35) 1.a) Estimate the parameters in the proposed model.
(10) 1.b) If the term involving X2 were to be removed from the model,
would the estimate of β1 change? Explain.
(35) 1.c) Test for the significance of the regression model using
an analysis of variance.
(15) 1.d) Test for the significance of the β2 parameter.
(10) 1.e) In a backwards elimination procedure, would the β2X2 term in
the proposed model be removed? Explain.
2. The data below was obtained for a particular experiment.
Assume only one trial per tc.
tc Y
b 81
ab 106
bc 107
(1) 91
abc 117
c 94
ac 112
a 93
(15) 2.a) Estimate the effect of factor A.
(20) 2.b) Calculate a sum of squares for the BC interaction.