



You are required to take at least one published peer-reviewed academic paper/article. You can use Google Scholar to search for a suitable paper. Thepaper needs to adhere to the following criteria:

  1. Published in a good conference venue or journal– The paper Journal or conference should have h5-index > 20 (for conference and journal h5-index ranking, please check in Google Scholar Top Publications).
  1. Not less than 5 pages.
  2. Relevant or significant – the paper needs to be either:
  3. published in the last 10 years, or:
  4. Fundamentally important for its field (e.g. have more than 100 citations).
  5. You are not allowed to take any articles from Wikipedia or regular webpages. Patent documents are also allowed.

The field of the paper should be in any digital forensics branch that is not covered in our current IT Forensics syllabus. It means any disk-based forensics, Windows forensics, and network forensics paper is not permitted for selection. You can discuss your selection with your tutor.

The areas you can select including (but not limited to): cloud, Android, iOS, smart TV, gaming consoles (XBOX, PS3, PS4, etc), copier, scanner, CCTV, image, video,audio, digital cameras, etc.

You can select more than one paper if you think it is necessary (e.g. to create comparisons, etc).

The information of the paper needs to be clearly described :

  • Title, authors, affiliation, publishing year, publisher, conference/journal name.
  • Extra information such as number of citations, conference rank, etc.
  • The reason why you picked the paper (e.g. fresh/new ideas, fundamental ideas,etc).

(MARKS: 5 marks)


Using your own words, describe how the paper presents the ideas.

The subtopics/subheadings on your report should include:

  • Introduction
  • Background/preliminaries
  • Related works
  • The main technique/process
  • Experimental result/comparison
  • Conclusion
  • References (if you are referencing to other articles/sources) Please do not onlycopy and paste the content of the selected paper.

(MARKS: 15 marks)


You are required to write your analysis on the paper you have chosen and described. The topics should include:

  • What you understand from the paper (key ideas, etc).
  • Analysis whether the forensic technique from the paper is similar to disk-basedor network-based forensics that you have learned.
  • How unique the proposed technique is.
  • How applicable the proposed technique is in a real world scenario.
  • The possible and potential weaknesses/drawbacks/overheads of the proposed technique.
  • Your ideas on how the approach can be improved.

(MARKS: 15 marks)


Any ideas/claims/techniques/comparison that you make should be substantiated with supporting references. For example, you cannot just claim that A is better than B, you have to argue why that is the case and point to external sources that can serve as evidence. You can use the unit’s recommended textbooks and other standard literature,books, research articles, etc as sources. Whenever you use material from an external source, make sure that you reference that source. You also need to assess the quality and reliability of any source. An independent expert review of different technologies is much more trustworthy. References should be listed correctly (see conference papers or journal for the reference). You may lose marks for poor referencing. You should use the APA referencing style, which is explained in detail here:
