MATH2070/2970: Optimisation and Financial Mathematics
您可以从Ed Workpaces下载文件“ Country Indices.xlsx”,其中包含每日关闭时间工作表中的“彭博社价值观”中20个国家的股票指数价格。仅使用数据包含在此工作表中。我们提请您注意与数据有关的以下几点:
(a)价格在2000年3月1日至2020年8月10日之间每天(商业)记录,日期为使用DD / MM / YYYY约定进行格式化。
(i)全球金融危机(GFC)。我们将这些数据中的GFC大致确定为从2007年3月1日至2010年5月31日,以GFC的峰值(GFC峰值)为2008年2月9日– 2009年6月6日。
到世界卫生组织。由于大流行仍在继续,我们将使用31/08/2020作为数据截止点。因此,对于此分配,我们将在此数据中标识COVID-19为从11/03/2020 – 31/08/2020,COVID-19(COVID-19高峰),即从11/03/2020 – 29/05/2020。
(1)在2002年4月1日之前没有中国股票指数“ SHSZ300”的数据。
1.如计算机实验室所示,将数据导入到ipython中。这个问题将调查在以下五个时期中,每个时期的国家指数回报率之间的相关性兴趣,例如GFC,GFC Peak,INTERIM,COVID-19和COVID-19 Peak。有几种分析收益率数据时的选择。常用变量是对数变化价格或所谓的对数回报率:让Y一世t是第i个国家/地区指数在时间t的价格因为我= 1,2,。 。 。 ,20,然后考虑由给出的对数返回率(w.r.t.自然基数)
ξ一世t =对数Y一世t-对数Y一世t−1当t≥1。
2. For the INTERIM period only i.e., from 01/06/2010 – 10/03/2020, carry out the following
computational tasks to compute the optimal portfolio P∗, consisting of the 20 country indices
for an agent who wishes to invest $1,000,000 with a risk-aversion coefficient of t = 0.20.
(i) Compute the dollar amount invested in each country’s index and obtain the corresponding expected return, µ∗ and risk, σ∗ of the optimal portfolio, P∗.
(ii) Compute the µσ-plane graphical representation and include the following, all on the same graphical plot:
(a) All 20 country indices; and
(b) The Minimum Variance Frontier (MVF) and Efficient Frontier (EF). When displaying your plot, use a t-range of |t| ≤ 0.40 for displaying your plot; and
(c) Generate a plot of n = 1000 random feasible portfolios with individual country index weights satisfying |xni| ≤ 20 (for each of the i = 1, 2, …, 20 country indices) and σn ≤ 0.10 for n = 1, 2, . . . , 1000.
You might notice that the random points occupy some region well-separated from the
Minimum Variance Frontier (MVF) – comment on this observation and explain why
this occurs. An explanation for this observation is a/the major part of the question; and
(d) Plot the indifference curve of an investor with t = 0.20 and their optimal portfolio P∗.
3. (i) For the INTERIM period from 01/06/2010 – 10/03/2020, determine which investors short
sell in a global investment market consisting only of the 20 country indices and which indices
they short sell. Are there any country indices which no investors short sell or which all investors will short sell?
(ii) Repeat question 3(i) for the COVID-19 period from 11/03/2020 – 31/08/2020. Offer an explanation for any differences observed.
4. Adding a Riskless Cash Fund and Constructing the Market Portfolio: Consider the
position of an investor from the United States (US) investing in each country’s index. In addition
to the country indices available for investment, a US riskless cash fund P0 is also available to
this investor. The risk free interest rate on P0 was r0 = 0.05 before the GFC and was lowered
to r0 = 0.0025 in December 2008, for both lending and borrowing. Assume that r0 = 0.0025 remains constant over the INTERIM period.
(i) Obtain the investor’s new allocation of their investment to the 21 available assets i.e., the
20 country indices plus a riskless cash fund, P0. State clearly the investor’s position in the riskless cash fund.
(ii) Describe in detail the Capital Market Line and the tangency portfolio. What can you say about the tangency portfolio? Explain your result.
(iii) Using the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of each country devise a method of computing the market portfolio. Clearly describe and explain your methodology including the data sources used.