
The project proposal that you write for CM50175–Research Project Preparation will be the project that you undertake for your dissertation over the summer. You should be able to reuse some of what you have written for the CM50175–Research Project Preparation Literature and Technology Survey in your dissertation, although you should expect to alter and improve it.

The dissertation project should occupy you full time (about 40 hours each week) from the end of the exam period until submission date in September. After the submission date you have no further right to assistance from your supervisor, and access to the computers will be severely limited as priority for access must be given to the new intake of students.

You should not take any holidays during the summer dissertation period. If this advice is ignored, and you take holidays, previous evidence has shown that you will find great difficulty in finishing your dissertation on time. Extensions will not be available for anyone who cannot meet the hand-in date because they took a holiday.

You should ask your project supervisor about any specific hardware or software requirements that he or she may have for your project. Many supervisors will require that project work is done on a specific computer system and in a specific programming language.
If you do any of your project work on your own PC instead of on the BUCS file system, then it is
entirely your responsibility to make and keep backups. A crashed hard disk on your home PC or laptop or a lost/corrupted USB drive will not allow you a late submission of your dissertation. The BUCS filestore is backed up regularly and will provide some possibility for retrieving lost information.

However, do not expect them to backup every night. It is far safer to also keep your own backups, even if you are using the BUCS system.

Demonstrating your software

You should also bear in mind that you may have to demonstrate software you write for the project to your supervisor. You and your supervisor will decide if this is necessary and if it is beneficial to demonstrate your software to the second marker (allocations of second markers to projects will be done during the summer). If you believe the second marker will understand and value your dissertation better then it could be a good idea. You should arrange to have it done ideally before submission date (or soon after, if the second marker does not object). It is your responsibility to organise the demonstration of your software to the second marker, with or without the presence of your supervisor.