这是 MARK5816 课程在2023年第三学期的评估信息,其中有一个个人论文。主要要点和目标:
学生需要分析一个案例:Yim, B. and Lau, J., 2022. “Porsche Taycan: Service Failure and Recovery.” 这个案例可以从哈佛商业评论的链接中检索。

MARK5816 T3-2023 Assessment Information
1. What lessons can any service marketer learn from this case?
2. What would Porsche have to do to recover this customer? Or do you think it is
an impossible task?
Required Format:
• The School of Marketing Assignment Cover Sheet as the first page.
• Question 1 answer.
• Question 2 answer.
• References.
Additional format requirements:
• Font size and style: Font size: 12. Style: Times New Roman.
• Margin: 2.5 cm.
• Space: Double spaced throughout the paper.
• This course uses in-text referencing, for more information also see Business
School Harvard Referencing Guide – UNSW Business School:
MARK5816 T3-2023 Assessment Information
8 September 2023
You must reference all non-original work, e.g., if you take an idea from an academic
journal article, book, magazine, website, you must reference it. Do not reference lecture
notes/PowerPoint, you must go to the original source, i.e., book, article, magazine,
You are free to include an appendix; however, no mark is allocated to the information
contained in the appendix.
Evaluation criteria:
1. Quality of the arguments and critical discussion in relation to services marketing
management theory. (40%)
2. Quality of the supporting evidence (i.e., good use of theory and secondary data,
e.g., published government report, consulting report, to support your arguments and
discussions). (40%)
3. Presentation (i.e., meet the submission guidelines, format and structure
requirements. Communication should be creative, clear, accurate, and reader
friendly. All presentations should contain correct spelling, grammar, punctuation,
diction, and have a consistent referencing style). (20%)