

Style and Format Structure of Assessment 3


2. Critically examining theory using relevant journal articles

3. 500 words


5. How the selected theory works with organisational practice

6. 300 words


Assessment Submission Online Via Moodle


This assessment has been set up to be checked by Turnitin, a tool which helps you check whether you have referenced correctly. You can submit your assessment task to Turnitin prior to the due date and Turnitin will give you an originality report. You may then make any changes that may be required and resubmit your final version by the due date.

Assessment Return Online via Moodle/Turnitin by 11:30pm Sunday, Week 7.
Detailed Information At the completion of each week and each module – for weeks 3, 4, 5 & 6, students will create a reflective journal. The journal will comprise four (4) entries (one for each module), and each entry will comprise two parts.


Part A:

This part will be a critical discussion of an element of theory that was discussed in the module. This part will be 500 words +/- 10%. This part will include at least two (2) academic journal articles which focus on this area of content.

Part B:

This part will be a reflection of how this area of theory (Discussed in Part A) might be used in the workplace, and it will relate to or will be based on your life experiences. This part will be 300 words +/- 10%.


A breakdown of what is expected for this assessment is indicated below:


Week Module Part A Part B
3 3 Critical discussion of an element of theory discussed in Module 3 – Individual Differences – 500 ± 50 words. Must reference and use (critically) at least 2 journal articles.


For example: working with Millennials

Reflection of how the area of theory discussed might be used in the workplace or how it may impact on workplace practices – 300 ± 30 words


For example: your experience of being a millennial in the workplace and what you have learnt to improve the situation for managers.

4 4 Critical discussion of an element of theory discussed in Module 4 – Motivating People – 500 ± 50 words. Must reference and use (critically) at least 2 journal articles.


For example: Equity Theory

Reflection of how the area of theory discussed might be used in the workplace or how it may impact on workplace practices – 300 ± 30 words


For example: How you may have experienced inequities in the workplace, and what you think could have been done to improve the situation.

5 5 Critical discussion of an element of theory discussed in Module 5 – Teams in Organisations – 500 ± 50 words. Must reference and use (critically) at least 2 journal articles.


For example: Group think

Reflection of how the area of theory discussed might be used in the workplace or how it may impact on workplace practices – 300 ± 30 words


For example: why you think that Groupthink could be a problem and how you think it could be avoided.

6 6 Critical discussion of an element of theory discussed in Module 6 – Communicating in Organisations – 500 ± 50 words. Must reference and use (critically) at least 2 journal articles.


For example: Gendered communication

Reflection of how the area of theory discussed might be used in the workplace or how it may impact on workplace practices – 300 ± 30 words


For example: How you have experienced communication in the workplace as a male or a female, and what was good and/or bad about it, and how this reflects on communication practices that you have been exposed to.







In summary:

· students will complete four (4) journal entries;

· each entry is around 800 words.

One week’s entry will be randomly selected for comprehensive marking by the tutor;

all will be assessed for effort.


Final mark conversion:


(Component 1) TOTAL MARK for the assessed journal entry (According to Rubric – See Moodle). This is randomly selected from the four entries submitted.

(Component 2) TOTAL OF ALL JOURNAL ENTRIES all assessed for effort.

Journal Entry: High Effort Low Effort Missing
Week 3 0.25 0.13 0
Week 4 0.25 0.13 0
Week 5 0.25 0.13 0
Week 6 0.25 0.13 0


FINAL MARK = (Component 1) X (Component 2) 


This assessment will be submitted on Sunday night in week 7 at 11:30pm Sydney time into a designated Moodle Dropbox. The assessment will be checked for integrity with Turnitin.


All feedback that is provided for this assessment must be considered and incorporated into assessment 4.