这是一篇来自澳洲的关于Ethical IT Decision-Making and IT Governance Assessment Guideline(道德IT决策和IT治理评估指南)的信息系统控制、治理和审计的作业代写
Task Description
This 1,500 word essay explores the relationship between ethical IT decision-making in business and Information Technology (IT) governance. This is an individual assignment, and while students are expected to discuss the essay with their peers the submitted assessment item is to be the student’s own work in line with the University’s requirements for academic integrity. The essay is to be supported by current research (as outlined in the Assessment Guideline), and corroborated through examples from non-academic sources.
Key to success in this assessment item is to undertake a structured exploration of ethical IT decision-making and how this is affected by different IT governance mechanisms. Specifically, the essay will identify three IT governance (structural, process or relational mechanisms) that are most suited for ensuring ethical IT decision making. The student’s depth of understanding is demonstrated and supported by the use of quality independent personal research. Pithy and clear writing through adherence to the conventions of essay writing is also important.
Further information regarding this assessment is provided in the Assessment Guideline.
Criteria & Marking
Assessment is made according to the essay’s Introduction, motivation, and signposting (10%), Definition,description and discussion of Ethical IT Decision-Making and IT Governance (30%), Analysis of implications of IT governance for ethical IT decision-making (30%), Summary of insights, and conclusion (20%), and Quality of referencing, professional writing, and presentation (10%).
This assessment item requires you to consider the nature of the relationship between ethical IT decision-making and Information Technology (IT) governance.
You should provide an introduction for your essay that outlines your purpose and motivation for the essay and identifies the structure that is to come (that is, the essay should use signposting).
As this essay is only 1,500 words long, an important consideration is whether to narrow down the scope of the activities your essay will address. For example, should you consider all ethical IT decision-making (e.g.,should narrow your focus on a particular type of IT decision)? Should you consider all aspects of IT governance?
Early in your essay you should therefore identify the context of your essay and scope down the topic of the essay. For example, you might wish to explore the implications of only one aspect of IT governance for a particular type of ethical IT decision. This decision would increase the focus of your essay and make analysis more clear and easier to perform. You should however provide a rationale for your choice in the topic. A rationale might be that you consider one category of IT decisions as having the most impact on organisations or people, or you might consider one IT governance as the most important.
In the context of the scope of the essay, you are required to define, describe, and illustrate ethical IT decision-making and define, describe, and illustrate IT governance. In lectures, the class will discuss different aspects of ethical IT decision-making (i.e., computer ethical issues) and rationalist and non-rationalist approaches to understanding ethical decision-making. We will also consider aspects of IT governance, its nature, and the Foundation for Execution (including, but not limited to, Operating Model,Enterprise Architecture, and the Engagement Model).
You should support your definitions for IT decision-making and IT governance with independent research from peer reviewed, quality, academic literature. You should also illustrate this discussion of ethical IT decision-making and IT governance with examples from industry sources.
You should then explore the relationship between ethical IT decision-making and IT governance in your chosen context. In this analysis you might answer questions such as:
- What does it mean for ethical IT decision-making if this type of IT governance is mature and executed well?
- Is there an impact on ethical IT decision-making if this type of IT governance is very weak or absent altogether?
You must consider how IT governance arrangements affect ethical IT decision-making, and, potentially vice versa: does ethical IT decision-making have an impact upon IT governance arrangements? This discussion and analysis should be supported by independent peer reviewed research. The discussion is to be aimed at consultants advising business on their IT governance arrangements and providing at least two recommendations that consider ethical considerations or issues to be considered.
Finally, conclude your essay by summarising the most insightful points of your essay. In doing so, you should highlight at least two implications of your discussion above for consultants providing recommendations for IT governance in different organisations. That is, answer the question of “what, if anything, do different approaches to IT governance mean for ethical IT decision-making”.
You should feel free to speak to the lecturer during consultation times to confirm your approach.
Your essay should be typed (in Times Roman 12-point font or larger, single-spaced) and it should be approximately 1,500 words in length (excluding abstract, appendices, figure/diagrams/tables, and references).
The essay must have a cover/title page, abstract, an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. On the title page note the essay title, your student number, name, the course code and course title, the date, the word count (excluding abstract, appendices, figures/diagrams/tables, and references), and the referencing style used.
Appendices may not be needed, but if required a maximum of 3 appendices is allowed. Each appendix should be no more than 3 pages each. Tables should not exceed one page. References can be cited using APA 6th, Harvard, or Vancouver styles (to be noted on the cover page). Other citation styles may be allowed through permission granted by the lecturer.
Figures/diagrams/tables should not exceed one page.
References can be cited using APA 6th, Chicago, or Vancouver styles (you must note the referencing style on the title page). Other citation styles may be allowed through permission granted by the lecturer.
Note especially that the word limit does not include the abstract, appendices, figures, diagrams, tables, or references in the reference list.
Frequently Asked Questions:
- Are independently researched quality academic sources required, and what are they?
Academic sources are required as noted in the rubric. At least 8 (8) independently researched quality academic sources are needed in defining, describing, discussing, and analysing the topic of the essay. They should be of high quality and relevant (generally, <= 10 years old – though for seminal sources they may be older than this).
Academic, peer-reviewed sources provided as required, recommended or referenced (i.e. the source appears on a slide deck in the course materials) reading material in the course do not demonstrate independent research. Additionally, lecture notes are secondary sources and do not show independent research and should not be cited.
A reference list should be included at the end of the essay. This reference list should be prepared in according with the nominated referencing style.
For simplicity and clarity, a quality academic source is a paper from any journal listed on the Australian Business Deans Council Journal Quality List that has a ranking of B, A, or A* (see
here: https://abdc.edu.au/research/abdc-journal-quality-list/. As the ABDC list does not cover non-business journals, any journal with an ‘impact factor’ > 1.5 would also qualify – see here:
Additionally, books or book chapters authored by university researchers are considered as ‘academic peer reviewed sources’ for the purpose of this essay.
Industry (non-academic) sources may be cited and used in argumentation, of course, but they are not considered independently researched quality academic sources.
There are videos provided in Learn.UQ for this course that provides hints and tips for finding references to support your essay.
- Can we cite non-academic ‘industry’ sources?
Not only can you, but you should, use industry sources to illustrate (provide examples) in your essay of ethical IT decision-making and IT governance with real-world industry publications. At least one example of ethical IT decision-making and one example of IT governance is required.
Industry publications (e.g., trade magazines such as CPA Australia’s InTheBlack, ISACA’s ISACA magazine, or Forbes Magazine) are industry sources that should be used in support of the examples provided. For simplicity and clarity, industry literature is a publication you would find on a popular website (such as www.news.com.au) or in a newsagency. Blogs from reputable sources (e.g., the Telstra blog) would also count, but personal blog entries or internet videos would not count as industry sources. All sources must be in English.
As a special case for this course in IS audit, the ISACA Journal (the magazine of the professional body ISACA) may be considered as an academic source (of B, A, or A* quality) or an industry source.
- How tight are the word limits?
Assignments that exceed the 1,500-word length substantially will reflect this lack of clarity and conciseness in the marks allocated for quality of referencing, professional writing, and presentation in the assessment rubric accordingly. Assignments that do not meet the minimum 1,500-word length would likely not address the criteria relating to definition, description, discussion, and analysis.
Note especially that the word limit does not include the abstract, appendices, figures,diagrams, tables, or references in the reference list.
- What goes on the cover page again?
On the cover/title page note the essay title, your student number, name, the course code and course title, the date, the word count (excluding Cover Page, Abstract, Figures/Diagrams/Tables,
Appendices and References) and the reference citation style.
The criterion-based marking rubric below applies the Criteria and Marking noted above. Part marks are rounded up to the nearest half mark.
Assignment Submission
There will be electronic submission of assignments through TurnItIn in the course website (Learn.UQ) under
Assessment. The drop-box will remain open to allow for late submission.
Your document must be submitted in either Microsoft Word document format or PDF format.
You must name your document with your last name followed by your initial(s) (e.g., Smith_A.doc). All students will receive an electronic copy of their marked assignment through Learn.UQ.
When you submit your assignment to the drop−box, this act will certify that you have acknowledged and understand the Plagiarism Statute of the University of Queensland.
As a safeguard, you may wish to submit your assignment to the lecturer by electronic email at the same time as submitting via Blackboard (m.axelsen@business.uq.edu.au).
Please discuss any problems that may lead to late submission with your lecturer at the earliest possible opportunity. Items (for which no extension has been granted) submitted after the due date and time, incur a late submission penalty. The penalty is at the rate of 10% of the total available marks for that piece of assessment, for each calendar day or part thereof that the item is overdue.
Additional information
Additional information will be given to students in class on how to undertake the assignment.