ASSIGNMENT 2 Answer all questions
Question 1:
The variable smokes is a binary variable equal to one if a person smokes, and zero otherwise.
Using the data in SMOKE1, we wish to estimate the following linear probability model:
???????????? = ??0 + ??1 log(????????????????) + ??2 log(????????????) + ??3???????? + ??4?????? + ??5??????2
+ ??6???????????????? + ??7??ℎ?????? + ?? where log(cigprice) is the log of the price per cigarette, log(income) is the log of annual income,educ is years of schooling, age is a person’s age in years, restaurn equals one if the person lives in a state with restaurant smoking restrictions, and white equals one if the respondent is white.
i) Estimate the linear probability model for smokes using:
a. Usual standard errors (in parentheses)
b. Heteroskedasticity-robust standard errors (in square brackets)
ii) Are there any important differences between the two sets of standard errors?
iii) Holding other factors fixed, if education increases by four years, what happens to the estimated probability of smoking?
iv) At what point does another year of age reduce the probability of smoking?
v) Interpret the coefficient on the binary variable resturan.
vi) Compute the predicted probability of smoking for person number 206 (id=206) in the data set.
Question 2:
Use the data in WAGE2 to answer this question. The model of interest is:
log (????????) = ??0 + ??1???????? + ??2?????????? + ??3?????? + ??4?????????????? + ??, where log(wage) is the natural log of monthly earnings and educ is the number of years of education.
i) How many people are in the sample? What percentage of these people have more than 12 years of education?
ii) Estimate the above equation by OLS. What is the estimate of ??1? What is its 95% confidence interval?
iii) Using ???????? as an instrument for ????????, estimate the reduced form for ????????. What is the t statistic for ????????? Is there evidence of a weak instrument problem?
iv) Estimate the above equation by IV, using ???????? as an IV for ????????. How does the estimate and 95% CI compare with the OLS quantities?
v) Test the null hypothesis that ???????? is exogenous. What is the p-value of the test?
Question 3:
Use the data in WAGE2 for this exercise.
i) Estimate the model
log(????????) = ??0 + ??1???????? + ??2?????????? + ??3???????????? + ??4?????????????? + ??5??????????
+ ??6????????ℎ + ??7?????????? + ??, and report the results in the usual form. Holding other factors fixed, what is the approximate difference in monthly salary between blacks and nonblacks? Is this difference statistically significant?
ii) Add the variables ??????????2 and ????????????2 to the equation and show that they are jointly insignificant at even the 20% level.
iii) Extend the original model to allow the return to education to depend on race and test whether the return to education does depend on race.
iv) Again, start with the original model, but now allow wages to differ across four groups of people: married and black, married and nonblack, single and black, and single and nonblack. What is the estimated wage differential between married blacks and married
Question 4:
The following table contains data taken from 10 students. It shows their math test scores (math,range 0-100), whether they attend a catholic high school (cathhs), and whether their parents are catholic (parcath).
Student ID math cathhs parcath
1 48.12 0 1
2 58.77 1 1
3 51.51 1 1
4 56.55 1 1
5 59.69 1 1
6 50.88 1 1
7 37.06 0 0
8 56.52 0 0
9 50.12 0 0
10 49.14 0 1
Answer the questions below using only a calculator and show your work. Do not use EXCELL or STATA.
i) Estimate the relationship between math and cathhs using IV estimation; that is, obtain the intercept and slope estimates in an IV regression of math on cathhs, where parcath is an IV for cathhs.
ii) Comment on the direction of the relationship between math and cathhs. Does the intercept have a useful interpretation here? Explain. How much higher is math predicted to be if a student attended a catholic high school?
iii) Compute the fitted values and residuals for each observation and verify that the residuals (approximately) sum to zero.
iv) How much of the variation in math for these 10 students is explained by cathhs?