MAST20006 Probability for Statistics /MAST90057 Elements of Probability Assignment 5, Semester 1 2020
1.设X1,X2,…。 。 。 ,Xn是大小的随机样本(即X1,X2,…,Xn是独立的)n来自成功概率p = 0.8的几何分布。
(a)查找mgf MY4使用几何mgf,Y4的(t)= X1 + X2 + X3 + X4。然后命名Y4的分布。
(b)查找mgf MYn Yn的(t)= X1 + X2 +··+ Xn。然后命名分布
(c)查找mgf MY
(t)样本均值Yn =nñ。
(e)让锌=√ñ¯n −54√54!=45√5n Yn −√5n。
(t),锌的mgf。然后使用Maple或理论参数来查找极限mgf limn→∞MZn
2.令X1,X2和X3为指数分布中大小为n = 3的随机样本
pdf f(x)= 12Ë-x / 2,0 <x <∞。找
(a)P(1 <X1 <2,2 <X2 <3,3 <X3 <4)。
(b)E [X1X22
(X3 − 2)2]。
3.令X1,X2,X3表示一个随机样本,其大小为n = 3,其分布为泊松pmff(x)= 2XX!Ë−2,x = 0,1,2,3,。。 。 。 。
(a)计算P(X1 + X2 + X3 = 1)
(b)使用Poisson mgf求Z = X1 + X2 + X3的矩产生函数X1。然后命名Z的分布。
(c)使用(b)的结果求出概率P(X1 + X2 + X3 = 4)。
(d)如果Y = max {X1,X2,X3},则求出概率P(Y≤2)。
4.如果E(X)= 16且E(X2)= 292,使用切比雪夫不等式确定
(a)P(8 <X <24)的下界。
(b)P(| X − 16 |≥18)的上限。
5.假设预先包装的“ 1磅袋子”胡萝卜的重量分布是N(1.18,0.072)以及预包装的“三磅袋”的重量分布的胡萝卜为N(3.22,0.092)。现在独立随机选择三个1磅重的袋子重量分别为X1,X2和X3的胡萝卜。也随机选择一个3磅重的胡萝卜袋,重量为W。设Y = X1 + X2 + X3。
(c)求出概率P(Y <W),即权重之和为随机选择的三个1磅重的袋子小于一个3磅的重量袋随机选择。
∗ ∗
1.(Banach火柴盒问题)吸烟者携带两个火柴盒,其中一个火柴盒右口袋,左口袋一个。每当他想吸烟时,他都会选择随手拿出一个口袋,然后从那个口袋的盒子里拿出一个火柴。假设每个盒子最初包含100个匹配项。令X为当吸烟者第一次发现另一个盒子是空的。可以证明X的pmf为P(X = x)=200-x1002 x−200,x = 0,1,2,。 。 。 ,100。
(d)求E [(X + 1)−2]。
f(x)= 29
(x +1)(2 − x),-1 <x <2。
(a)找出X的cdf F(x)。
(b)求出概率P(-3.5 <X <1.0)。
(d)找出mgf M(t)= E [exp(tX)]。
(f)令Y = X2。找出Y的范围和Y的pdf g(y)。
f(x,y)= x + y,0 <x <1,0 <y <1。
(a)找到X的边际pdf f1(x)。
(d)找出协方差Cov(X,Y)。 (请注意,E(X)= E(Y)。)
(e)给定X = x,求出Y的条件pdf h(y | x)。
(f)求条件概率P(Y≤1个2| X =1个3)。
(g) Find the probability P(12 < X + Y < 32).
4. Let X have the normal distribution N(µ, σ2) and let Y = eX.
(a) Find the range of Y and the pdf g(y) of Y .
(b) Find the third moment of Y , E[Y3].
(c) In the next four subquestions, we assume that µ = 0 and σ = 1.
Sketch the graph of the pdf of Y for 0 < y ≤ 5 (use Maple to generate the graph and copy it the best you can in the answer box).
(d) What is the mean of Y ? Keep 3 significant digits after the decimal point in your result.
(e) What is the median of Y ? What can you conclude about P(Y ≤ 1)?
(f) What is P(Y > 2)? Keep 3 significant digits after the decimal point in your result.
5. Let X be a continuous random variable with the density function f(x) =2×2, 1 < x < 2
0 elsewhere
(a) Find the kth moment of X for k ≥ 1.
(b) Find the cdf of X and explain how you could use it to simulate a realisation/observation from X.
(c) Generate a sample of 1000 observations from the distribution of X and plot the corresponding histogram. Compare the shape of the histogram with that of the density of X.
For this question, sketch the graph of the density and write your comment on the comparison of this graph with the histogram in the box below; refer to your attached code for the histogram.
(d) Let Z = ln(X). Find the mgf MZ(t) of Z. For which values of t is it well defined?
Compare its expression with your answer to (b) and comment.
(e) Find E[Z].
6. Let X be a Gamma distribution with mean 8 and variance 32.
Let X1, X2, . . . , Xn be n independent random variables with the same distribution as X. Let Yn =Pn i=1 Xi/n be the sample mean.
Sketch the graphs of the pdf of X and the pdf of Yn for n = 3, 5. What do you observe? Can you compare Yn to a known distribution when n is large? Elaborate on your answer.