L01: Select appropriate methods in order to undertake a stutial analyis of a givenmarket.
LO2: Crialy analyse the marketing evrnment that leads organisations to inovate and devetop new propostions
LO3: Understand the complex relations between nnovation and consuming. consumers and consumption.
L04: Formulate an pprpiape marketing response gven a set of environmental oprtunities and hllenges and changng market needs.
LO 5: Demonstrate the capacay to implement the equired pocess neded to develop a new posiorsernine in response to an dentfed hllege or oprunityinthe market.
Assessment on this unit is comprised of two components:
- Stuaton Analyis (30%]
2 Reflectve essay documenting their New Propostion Development (70%)
Stuation Analysis (30%)- subrited 25/10/22
Unit caralogute entry: Sudens will be required to onalyse 0 selected market envronmnt in the contexr ofo given ognisain to dentiy oprunties for new propostion development .
1500 words (L01. L02)
Here you are fequred to provide a situaton analyis of the Ae/Lynx brand. Although its aUnilever global brand we expect younl focus on the UK market.
We are NOT loking for breadth of enqury in this ssessment 0e. we are NOT expecting you to provde a complete and comprehensive situsation analysis yoursein. We are looking for depth of analyis and the development of insight.
The structure which you MUST adopt for this asigment is that of a BOSCARD, a format that is reguary used within the consumer marketing and innovations sectors at the beginning of a project
YoU will be briefed ully on the BOSCARD format thuat will be adopted within this Unit (Week 21 Esay (70%) submitted 09/01/23
Unit cotologue entr Based on their Stuation anlygic, students wil then drvelop and work through a new propostion development process They will wite o citical and refecte essayon their experience of dereloping and using the process 2500 words (LO3,104L05)
Choose from ONE of the ollowing trtes.