

The research essay assesses material covered in the unit up to and including week 7. However, that doesn’t mean material contained in the latter parts of the unit cannot be included. If that material is relevant, by all means, use and engage with it!

Note that this is a research essay and, accordingly, students are required to research beyond the required and supplementary readings provided in this unit of study outline.

Moreover, as this is a research task you will be expected to cite (and use) numerous sources, and FIVE is an absolute minimum number of sources.

You will choose only ONE of the following questions:

  1. Evaluate the arguments of cultural criminologists and their critics.
  2. Critically assess the following statement: “Panics and scapegoating would seem to me to focus upon the socially excluded: in particular the triptych of welfare scrounger, immigrant and drug addict, frequently racialized and to which after 9/11 a further refracting mirror has been added:

that of terrorist. In this I also differ from Stan Cohen. The notion of ‘permanent moral panic’ may well be something of an oxymoron, but the time of transient panic is long past” (Jock Young (2005), Crime Media, Culture 1(1), p. 104).

  1. What are the ramifications for law and/or justice of trials by media? Use examples to illustrate your answer.
  1. How are media reports and dramatizations of crime and peoples’ fear of crime connected? What are some of the implications here?
  1. Does the CSI effect exist?
  2. How do fictional dramatizations of law, crime and justice inform us about real-life crime and vice versa? Discuss using at least two examples.
  1. Drawing on at least two cases, critically assess the media portrayal of putative female criminals.
  2. Why does media interest in stories about children who kill other children vary across countries?

Academic honesty

While the University is aware that the vast majority of students and staff act ethically and honestly, it is opposed to and will not tolerate academic dishonesty or plagiarism and will treat all allegations of dishonesty seriously.

Further information on academic honesty, academic dishonesty, and the resources available to all students can be found on the academic integrity pages on the current students website: https://sydney.edu.au/students/academic-integrity.html (https://sydney.edu.au/students/academic-integrity.html) .

Further information for on research integrity and ethics for postgraduate research students and students undertaking research-focussed coursework such as Honours and capstone research projects can be also be found on the current students website:

https://sydney.edu.au/students/research-integrity-ethics.html  (https://sydney.edu.au/students/research-integrity-ethics.html) .

Compliance statement

In submitting this work, I acknowledge I have understood the following:

I have read and understood the University of Sydney’s Academic Honesty in Coursework  Policy 2015 (https://sydney.edu.au/policies/showdoc.aspx?recnum=PDOC2012/254&RendNum=0) .

The work is substantially my own and where any parts of this work are not my own I have indicated this by acknowledging the source of those parts of the work and enclosed any quoted text in quotation marks.

The work has not previously been submitted in part or in full for assessment in another unit unless I have been given permission by my unit of study coordinator to do so.

The work will be submitted to similarity detection software (Turnitin) and a copy of the work will be retained in Turnitin’s paper repository for future similarity checking. Note: work submitted by postgraduate research students for research purposes is not added to Turnitin’s paper repository.

Engaging in plagiarism or academic dishonesty in coursework will, if detected, lead to the University commencing proceedings under the Academic Honesty in Coursework Policy 2015  (https://sydney.edu.au/policies/showdoc.aspx?recnum=PDOC2012/254&RendNum=0) and the Academic Honesty Procedures 2016 (http://sydney.edu.au/policies/default.aspx?  mode=glossary&word=Academic+honesty) .

Engaging in plagiarism or academic dishonesty in research-focussed work will lead to the University commencing proceedings under the Research Code of Conduct 2013  (https://sydney.edu.au/policies/showdoc.aspx?recnum=PDOC2013/321&RendNum=0) and the Academic Honesty Procedures 2016 (http://sydney.edu.au/policies/default.aspx mode=glossary&word=Academic+honesty) .

Engaging another person to complete part or all of the submitted work will, if detected, lead to the University commencing proceedings against me for potential student misconduct under the University of Sydney (Student Discipline) Rule 2016 (http://sydney.edu.au/policies/showdoc.aspx?recnum=PDOC2017/441&RendNum=0) .