


  • Obtain further experience with and build more confidence on circuit design using Microwave Office
  • Get familiar with theory and design of matching circuits
  • Design several commonly used passive components including resonators, filters and dividers/combiners

Aim 1:

Obtain further experience with and build more confidence on circuit design using Microwave Office

  • What have you learned so far?
  1. TXline
  2. AWR Design Environment
  3. Equations
  4. Design parameter tuning
  5. AXIEM
  • What more to learn?
  1. Optimisation
  2. Difference between Schematic and AXIEM simulation
  • More self-study needed

Aim 2:

  • Get familiar with design principles of matching circuits
  1. Matching circuits play a key role in μ/mmWave integrated circuit design
  2. Any other considerations?




Aim 3:

Design several commonly used passive components including resonators, filters and dividers/combiners

  • Why passive components/circuits?
  • What factors need to be taken into account?
  • How to integrate them?


Expt 1 Design of matching networks using ideal transmission lines, microstrip, and CPWs

What is the difference between lumped and distributed elements

What is a general procedure for matching circuit design

Any other considerations

Expt 2 Design of a bandstop and a bandpass filter using CPW technology

How are filters used in integrated circuit

How does modern modelling software simulate circuit

Optimisation is helpful and useful

Expt 3 Design of a Wilkinson divider/combiner operating at 77 GHz

Why is microstrip still being used at 77 GHz?

How is a classic power divider/combiner realised in AXIEM

what are the precautions when converting schematic design to numerical modelling ?