


  • Via Moodle Assignment Submission.
  • Turnitin will be used for similarity checking of all submissions.
  • There is not a second chance for this assignment, submissions that do not meet the basic citing and referencing requirements will receive an N grade.

Assessment Criteria

  • Ability to undertake the necessary research and critical analysis, write with clarity and cohesion, and cite and reference to the required standard of academic integrity.
  • Ability to describe the case study clearly and coherently.
  • Ability to explain the ethical design issues clearly and succinctly it raises (using the Beard & Longstaff framework to analyse).
  • Ability to use the AHRC Human Rights and Technology Discussion Paper human rights framework to identify and explain human rights issues.
  • Ability to identify and explain governance challenges and/or responses (with reference to AHRC Human Rights and Technology Discussion Paper, p. 33 – 46) to the ethical and human rights concerns and make appropriate recommendations.
  • Creativity: Ability to utilize the existing theories and evidence to provide insightful, interesting, and innovative unique ideas and arguments.

The marking rubric is available on the Moodle site for the unit.


* Your submission will be written in the form of a report and should include:

– An introduction indicating the aim, focus, and structure of the report.

– An appropriately structured body section covering all the main questions listed in the case study.

– In-text citations, and a reference list to the evidence base of your report using the APA style of citing and referencing.

– Report formatting requirements – 10–12-point font, margins not less than 2 centimetres from all sides, single-spaced. The Q Manual has some great advice about report writing and case study analysis (Kimberley, 2012). You have also seen a few examples in the readings for the unit and the resources provided for each case study to model your report on. Please note that you must appropriately quote, cite, and reference your sources to meet academic integrity standards.

Also, have a look at the CITING AND REFERENCING section at the end of this document.

* Your report should:

– Clearly and coherently describe the case study in your own words.

– Identify and explain key ethical design issues (using the Beard & Longstaff framework to analyse) relating to the case study.

– Identify and explain the human rights issues that the case study raises (using the AHRC  Human Rights and Technology Discussion Paper).

– Identify and explain governance challenges and/or responses to the ethical and human rights concerns (with reference to AHRC Human Rights and Technology Discussion Paper, p. 33 –46).

– Make recommendations for improvements and/or future actions.

– Essentially, your report should utilize the existing theories and evidence with a touch of your own creativity and critical thinking to address all the main questions listed in the case study.

* You should do a thorough research on the case study with the aim to best address the main questions before writing the report.


Beard, M., & Longstaff, S. (2018). Ethical by Design: Principles for Good Technology. The Ethics Centre. https://ethics.org.au/ethical-by-design/ [Pdf available on the Moodle site for the unit]

Farthing, S., Howell, J., Lecchi, K., Paleologos, Z., Saintilan, P., & Santow, E. (2019). Human Rights  and Technology Discussion Paper. Australian Human Rights Commission.


Kimberley, N., & Crosling, G. (2012). Q Manual. Monash University, Faculty of Business and Economics. https://www.monash.edu/__data/assets/pdf_file/0005/506345/qmanual.pdf


You must acknowledge the sources that you use in developing your report, so that it is clear what are your ideas and what are the ideas of others. The basic citing and referencing requirements are:

  • all sources appropriately cited and referenced using the APA citation style


  • any direct quotes from sources clearly identified as such with the use of quotation marks, a citation and a reference, and
  • no patchwork paraphrasing.

Please also note the following from the ‘Student Academic Integrity: Managing Plagiarism and Collusion Procedures’ of Monash, available at http://www.policy.monash.edu/policybank/academic/education/conduct/student-academic-integrity-managing-plagiarism-collusion-procedures.html.