Assessment Brief Details:
MODULE : ARTD 6113 Professional and Academic Skills (PAS1)
Assessment type and method
This module is based on the understanding that research is increasingly interdisciplinary, global and is conducted through a range of technologies and methods. The module will introduce you to the principles and role of research in the context of creative and cultural industries as well as provide grounding for further postgraduate study.
We encourage independent thinking to develop your own ideas and to utilise the resource avail ble to you. It is always a good idea to discuss these ideas with your tutor and your peer group to test and be critiqued on their developments.
Assessment in this module is by a summative method supported by formative feedback through hout activities in class and checkpoints. Details of what this work is, when it is to be handed in and its contribution to your final mark are detailed below. Full briefs will be discussed during the lectures and uploaded on blackboard.
Assignment Requirements
This assignment aims to raise your awareness of how to locate and interrogate sources and re evant research literature critically and develop relevant and concise research questions. It aims to build your critical thinking through an analysis of the literature, theory and contemporary practices in Design Management.
For this assignment you should submit a 3000-word portfolio, consisting of:
· Annotated bibliography (1,200 words)
· Literature review (1,000 words)
· Reflective Commentary on Personal Development (800 words)
The portfolio should contain a collection of thinking processes and critical insights from your rview of the literature and practices in Design Management. It should also contain images, figures and/or tables, and other visual or interactive resources that might be relevant to communicate your ideas. These should be used to help you portray and support your arguments.
Assignment brief details – Portfolio (3,000 words) 100%
Current Thinking
Choose an area within Design Management field that reflects a current phenomenon/issue or debate – it must be relevant to your Design Management pathway. For that, you will need to go through a range of secondary sources including academic journals, books and non-academic sources such as newspapers, magazines and market intelligence (these are suggested in your module handbook), to understand the contemporary issues involved in Design Management.
You will go to develop a detailed critique of that debate utilising a number of research techniques to demonstrate integrity and validity in a research area of your choice. This you will reflect on in relation to your own professional development
Suggested contents
– Title (title of your report, relevant image, your name, student number,the title of your degree and pathway, the date and your total word count) (not included in word count)
– Table of contents with page numbers (not included in word count)
– List of figures/tables (not included in word count)
1. Annotated bibliography (1,200 words)
1.1. Introduction: What is the key topic in relation to the area of Design Management
1.2 What is the background context?
1.3. Thinking process: Based on your review of existing sources that are related with your research area,develop a written overview of the issues in your chosen area of Design Management and how they relate to one another and create a visual mind map (1) of the key themes and debates you have identified.
2. Literature Review (1,000 words)
Based on your writing and mind map,synthesise the key debates identified in the mind map and choose a direction to focus. During this stage, you should synthesise critically the key theories, frameworks, models and debates that compose your research topic.
2.1. Direction: A critical review of the academic writing of one of the key themes in depth.
Identify the relevant academic debates, theories, frameworks and models. Give explanation of how these are/have been applied as a key component of your assignment. A key element to a successful submission will be your ability to provide a clear explanation of the research gap/problem area you are researching using a s stained argument and valuable sources.
2.2 Overview of the research topic (what are you researching and why? Explain how your research idea builds on existing research. Based on what? Why is this important?)
2.3. One A4 page visual of your infographic with the key theories and areas identified (a synthesised version of the mind map with context, background, key themes and research gap) not included in word count). What research questions arise?
You are expected to use appropriate academic literatures and secondary data to support your rguments. All images should be directly relevant to your text.
3. Reflective Commentary (800 words)
3.1. What area of Design management are you interested to pursue a career in?
3.2. What companies or further study might you take?
3.3. What are the key skills required of this sector of industry?
3.4. How will you improve your professional skills in this area?
(suggestion: 500 words)
-Reference list
– A list of resources and key references you have used,following the Harvard Referencing System (not included in word count)
– Appendices
A. A list of further resources and key references you intend to use,following the Harvard Referencing System (not included in word count)
B. A table showing the main definitions used in the submission with corresponding references (not included in word count)
C. A CV following the University’s templates to demonstrate career planning for the future (not included in word count)
Visual Do’s and Don’ts
• Do use images to illustrate your essay where relevant to support your text.
• Do reference all images correctly using the Harvard referencing guide.
• Do not use images that are not connected to your assignment text.
• Do not use images out of context or simply for ornamentation.
Document Style Guidelines
• Titles should be at the top of pages.
• Pages should be numbered
• Font, Arial size 12
• Double Line Spacing
• Margins: 2.5
Assessment Submission Guidelines
Submission of Written Coursework
You must submit one electronic copy of your assignment to TurnItIn via Blackboard by 4pm n the deadline date. You must include your student ID number in the file name,and on the front page of your assignment.
Work received after the 4pm deadline will be recorded as late,and subject to University late enalties.
Learning Outcomes & Assessment Criteria:
Assessment Criteria
A. Knowledge and Understanding
A1. How to use a range of academic approaches and techniques applicable to advanced scholarship in your subject
A2. Professional skills relevant to employment in the creative economy
B. Subject Specific Intellectual and Research Skills
B1. Reflect on your performance, critically reviewing your own strengths and weaknesses
B2. Apply critical judgement in selecting and analysing academic sources
C. Transferable and Generic Skills
C1. Communicate effectively with peers and wider audiences in a variety of media